Dino Masiero Sauber born in the town of Venado Tuerto (Sta.f) Argentina. Since childhood develops its concerns to the plastic arts in person, under heavy influence academicista.Su formation is basically self-taught. Draftsman, engraver, painter, sculptor, designer, escengrafo, musician and poet, graduated from the College of Fine Arts at the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (Argentina), obtaining the titles of Master of BA in Painting and Sculpture. Performed numerous solo exhibitions since the year 1987, both in drawing, painting and sculpture and also in group exhibitions and guest artist at major galleries in the country. In 2004 he made his "first retrospective," in the Da adhesin International Museum, Museum of Fine Arts, Rio Cuarto, (Cba.) In 2002 he was special guest at exhibition "Painters pampa gringa "in the Legislature of the City of Cordoba. Participate in various Art Competitions and Exhibitions of local, provincial, national and international prizes and awards obtained. We can mention among the most outstanding: Selected in the seventh and eighth Biennale of Sacred Art ", painting 1998 and 2000 in the prestigious National Culture Halls PALAIS GLAS, Capital Federal, Argentina. National Painting Salon Sacra "Distinguished Authors, Fraternitas Foundation, Rosario (Santa F) pictorial works Argentina.1994 Make religious shrines and schools. We can mention the painting-mural theme: "Sacred Family", in the Oratorio del Colegio "Five Ros" from the congregation of OPUS-Villa Allende DEI. Crdoba.Argentina. In addition numerous sculptural monuments sited in major cities of the country. He currently teaches in her private academis Plastic Arts in the city of Rio Cuarto, General General Deheza and Cabrera. He teaches at the College on 4 Ao Hispano Argentino City Ro Cuarto. Publication: The pictorial work "Elellema sabachthani" (crucifixion), has been selected for publication in the Almanac of Latino Magazine "Threshold", Montevideo (Uruguay), as an artist, an exponent of the iconography Sacra of the late twentieth century, sharing the space with major authors from different centuries and artistic schools. http://groups.msn.com/DINOMASIERO dino_masiero@hotmail.com dinomasiero@yahoo.com.ar Tel: 0 3 5 8 - 4 6 2 5 2 1 4 Fourth Ro City (Province of Cordoba ) ARGENTINA